cd 8 4 follicles

cd 4
8 cd
cd 8 4 follicles
I'm curious about comparing stats, like how many follicels did you get on Clomid, what mg? what were the sizes, did you do trigger shot, IUI, or IVF.
Clomid-cd 14 ultrasound results- how big.
cd 8 4 follicles
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Hi all, I am new to the forum. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and we just started the process. Today I had an ultrasound (day 12) and was
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Does every mature follicle release an.
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Hello Ladies!! I have posted this in a couple of threads now, hoping to just get some more information my results. This is my first cycle on clomid A little
Is it bad to have 18 follicles in one ovary and 11 in the other ? What does that mean exactly. I know that the follicles are what release the egg during ovulation but
Cd 4 - Question on Follicles - BabyandBump

Follicles too small?.