Painless firm lump in left side of neck

Lump in Left Neck
11.06.2007 · Best Answer: Dont get too scared :-) I know its hard. Cancer is the worst scenerio out of many possibilities (noncancerous tumors, cysts, infections
I'm a 17 y/o male and have a large visible lump about 1" in size that I believe is on the very bottom of my neck, well between the shoulder and neck to say it
Lump on right side of my neck....?.
A mass or lump on right side of neck.
The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be and
This is a discussion on MedHelp about hard lump in neck under skin. Community members of MedHelp provide help, support, guidance and discussion around the topic of
I have a lump in my neck just below the ear lobe and just behind the angle of my jaw. I went to an ENT who said it could be a swollen gland or a cyst.
About 3 or 4 days ago I woke up and noticed a slight stiffness in my neck. On the back of my neck, left side at the hairline, a small, hard lump appeared under the
Hard Lump on Back of Neck -Doctors.
lump in neck under jaw left side.
Ive had a lump in my neck now since i was 16 which is bout the size of a grape which is hard but moves the doctor keeps telling me its due to an infection but it
Cancer: Lymphomas - Lump in neck below.
13.09.2008 · Best Answer: Well it could probably be a swollen lymph node, or a infected boil. If its on your skin and hard and red and throbbing then its infected. If

Round Lump in Neck
Painless firm lump in left side of neck
lump at base of neck - MedHelpYesterday, while driving, I felt a dull pain on the right side of my neck. I ran my hand/fingers over the area and felt a lump or a mass. A swollen area. I am a 40 y
Bump in Left Side Neck
Large Hard Painless Lump on the lower.
Painless firm lump in left side of neck